Monday, 20 May 2013

Oh hello again!

So I'm finally getting round to making a real go a this 'blogging thing'.
I intend on making this blog as a form to document my life. Mostly fashions and styling, beauty and so forth.

Back story
So since YouTubes beginnings in 2005 and its huge growth in 2007/8 I've been obsessed. It completely fascinated me! There was a whole world of fashion and beauty to become excited by. I admired how someone could have the confidence to sit in a room, sure of their words - talk to them selves then broadcast it to the world.

I learnt most of my make-up skills from YouTube, among other things.
For years I thought about it and didn't... Lack in my own self-confidence held me back. Fear of being judges and ridiculed.
The summer of 2011 I uploaded my first video. A shockingly mortifying explanation of my desires for my " YouTube Career" (lolz) followed by the most basic outfit of the day. All filmed on my phone camera. 

However I continued to have a sickening feeling of inadequacy and fear.
What were my peers thinking? What were they saying? where they laughing at me?
These thoughts did plague me at times. I was never quite sure, was anyone being genuine when they said they liked a video?!
But after some time, I thought - better they laugh and joke about me. Than someone else who couldn't handle it. It wasn't something that was going to weight me down any longer. 

So this time I am going to make a 'real go' at the blogging side of things and of course get a few videos going as well. 
I plan on documenting my life in such a way that it could be interesting, helpful, or inspirational to anyone with enough time to 'Watch This Space' 

Much Lovin'

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